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 1 Year Membership

The Best PMA’s in the Nation

Find out how we dominate the nation in creating private membership associations that have been extremely successful in stopping government overreach, stopping mandates, and protecting your liberty. We have the best educational memberships in the nation. We have many custom packages, a full curriculum of class memberships that has been used by every day people, as well as government, to find the written text our forefathers created. If you put in your name, email and phone number we can get in contact with you and present all the memberships we have.

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How can I help you succeed?


Not only do you get to function outside of the Public Police Power, but you get to learn how to stand on your own rights, and that knowledge comes from the best teacher of the People in America.

Exercise Freedom

Learn to exercise your freedoms from a position of power and already declared right rather than begging government to release you from their power.

Teach Gov.

Help government learn that you have rights by using unprecedented technology to teach them what attorneys won’t. You can do this by right

Why You May Need Our PMA Memberships

This video lets you see some of the common issues that would cause for the People to need our help and why we are a better choice than many who may be creating PMA’s without understanding 


“David knows his rights and your rights to protect and preserve your freedoms!”
Tommy T.
New Jersey Owner of 3 PMA’s

“If I didn’t know my God given rights I couldn’t do this, thank you guys.”

Nic D.
Used PMA teaching to Collect $16,500 for discrimination over not accepting mandates for employment. 


Meet your Coach



David Jose has quickly become the leading law teacher in the nation and has helped the people and government learn the laws hidden from the People for decades. He specializes in State Constitutions and  fundamental law and has aligned it with special biblical and common law knowledge to bring forth unbelievable change. He is the man who wrote the documents that moved the Arizona Legislature to do the only full forensic audit in American history and also was influential in putting the Supreme Court on notice when it comes to the rights of the People to not be forced with mandates or unwanted medical procedures.

The most important thing to know, there is no teacher who has created a movement so big of regular people, who know how to stand on their rights. If you don’t know how to stand or fight,  nothing you do makes a difference. David is known for bringing his unparalleled law knowledge to the People to help them get heavy results.

Talk soon,

Dave Jose

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